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6 Signs You Need Help With Managing Your Business

When you first start your own business, you probably do most of the work yourself. Calls and emails, meetings and invoices, advertising – most likely, it is all your responsibility. Maybe you believe no one can perform these tasks better than you, or you are sure you can handle everything on your own. 

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Managing your business well is one of the key factors to success.

However, if you find yourself in a deadlock and things aren’t going well, don’t worry. A personal business assistant will save your life by bearing part of your burden. Are you still not sure you need a professional for help? Well, here are 6 signs you could have some support when managing your business. So, without further ado – let’s get started!

You Are Running Out of Time

Your to-do lists are endless, and you are almost crying when looking at them? You lack time so badly that you haven’t even started on the most important things? You can’t even remember when you last had a day off? Not to mention having zero energy for household tasks and homework assignments.

Fortunately, you can deal with this problem right now. Outsource your assignments to professional essay writers to keep your grades and deadlines under control. Academic performance is definitely not something to ignore, even if you are busy running your own business.

Okay, so how can a personal assistant or a business coach save you? They will finish tasks you simply can’t perform due to various reasons. Unload your schedule, and constant fatigue and dissatisfaction will disappear from your life. You will stop beating yourself up for not being perfect. 

You Are Disorganized while Managing Your Business


Making appointments and calls, buying tickets – all these little things can end up taking up to 80% of your time. And there is more serious stuff, be it research or making presentations. Yes, most likely, you learned how to do all this while getting a business major, but it still takes plenty of time. So why not entrust these tasks to a helper?

Here is a simple example. Let’s say you need to go to Australia. So, you require information about local co-working spaces, mobile internet, rental housing, and cars. All this needs to be collected in one place and systematized. Of course, such an assignment can take a whole day.

But if you ask an assistant to do it for you, they will present the information in a convenient table with a separate tab for each topic. They will also select the best options, compare prices, read reviews, and so on. In the meantime, you will deal with urgent matters, be it a business plan or something like that.

You Find It Difficult to Cope with Some Tasks

Sometimes, an assistant complements the boss. Imagine you always take notes by hand during meetings and then lose them because you have zero time to transfer them to electronic form. In addition, you simply don’t like to print and prefer handwritten notes. Here’s when an assistant is a lifesaver. Just send them a photo of the notes, and 30 minutes later, you have everything you need in an email from them.

You Don’t Mind Learning New Things

We often read books about success and big failures in order to broaden our horizons. But sometimes, the most amazing stories can be heard over a cup of coffee. Treat everyone around as a knowledge base. Believe us, this approach to life will change your business.

We are used to the fact that it’s the boss who teaches their assistant important things. But it happens the other way around too. After all, a business coach is a person with a bright background and unique experience. And they can share their baggage with you.

For instance, you need a list of the best streetwear fashion brands, but you have no idea where to start. Yes, everything can be found on the internet, but it will take plenty of time. And suddenly, just out of the blue, you remember that your assistant worked as a fashion stylist in the past. Of course, they will create a large selection of brands, indicating the specifics of each.

Therefore, assistants are versatile people, so always learn from them as they help you see the bigger picture.

Your Skills Need Improvement

Working with an assistant teaches you to assess your strengths and understand what can be delegated. It also trains you to set tasks correctly. The brief and deadline for your assistant should be as clear as possible. The more information you provide, the better the result of your teamwork will be.

You’re Burned Out from Managing Your Business

Things that take up to 80% of the time bring only 20% of the result. These are routine but demanding tasks that can turn anyone into a squeezed lemon.

However, to get great results, it doesn’t matter who will take on these duties. The bottom line is that they are completed on time. So, by entrusting such matters to someone else, you not only benefit the business but also save your nervous system from overload.

So, you definitely need an assistant if you answer “yes” to at least two questions from the list below:

  1. You are drowning in small chores that don’t allow you to engage in the strategic development of your business;
  2. You have plenty of deadlines, and the number of urgent tasks only grows;
  3. You plan your schedule, meetings, and business trips on your own;
  4. You feel burned out;
  5. You have to do tasks that don’t give you pleasure;
  6. The phrase “Sorry, I don’t have time” has become part of your daily life. You don’t have time for hobbies, friends, and rest. But in fact, the lack of time is the lack of a person who can lend a shoulder and take on a part of your work.

Where To Look For An Assistant?


Your assistant can be an existing employee since they are already part of the team. The most important thing is that you really trust them.

If you don’t have someone like this in the company, then ask your friends. Perhaps they know someone with relevant experience and excellent organizational skills. And the last option is to post vacancies or contact HR specialists.

Alternatively, you can hire a business coach, which is even better than having an assistant. They will share their knowledge with you and help you grow as an entrepreneur.

In Conclusion on Managing Your Business 

And finally, let’s talk about how to choose an assistant. There are certain features that you should pay attention to.

First, you trust this person. The business assistant has access to a huge amount of information that is critical to the business.

Second, their mind is quite flexible. They can solve many non-standard tasks rather quickly.

Third, they have great emotional intelligence. Contacts with various people require a special approach and the correct positioning of your company. Thus, empathy is just necessary here.

And most importantly, you should be comfortable around each other. After all, you will spend most of your working time together. And if you don’t get on well, then other factors simply don’t matter. That is why we hope you will find someone who will finish your thoughts and make your life much easier.

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