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Struggling With Workplace Stress? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

Experiencing frequent workplace stress and anxiety takes a toll on both health and performance. However, cultivating self-care habits and adjusting certain practices can minimize workplace worries and operate in a calmer, more confident headspace. Here are techniques to reduce anxiety triggers while promoting relaxation:

Identify And Challenge Anxious Thinking

The first step is awareness of thoughts that fuel anxiety. That can mean catastrophizing worst-case scenarios or spending far too much time thinking about past awkward moments. For example, say you’ve got a presentation coming up. Try not to worry about it too much. Catch these unhelpful thought patterns and consciously replace them with more accurate perspectives. This “thought stopping” retrains your mind away from negativity loops.

Take Deep Belly Breaths to Help Workplace Stress

When you notice stress escalating, pause to take 5 deep slow breaths. Inhale fully and feel your belly expand, then exhale slowly. Deep breathing triggers relaxation by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Make this minor mindfulness break a habit anytime tension arises.

Set Manageable Daily Goals

managing workplace stress

Overscheduling can often lead to burnout. Keep your daily workload realistic by breaking larger goals into bite-sized tasks of under an hour. You should celebrate ticking each one off throughout the day to get that sweet sense of progress. Pushing yourself relentlessly heightens anxiety. Achievable plans let you relax.

Make Stress Management A Habit

Don’t wait until very stressed to use destressing tools. Build in regular positive habits like brief midday meditation, listening to music between meetings, and taking a quick walk outside. Pre-emptive self-care keeps your reserves much calmer than trying to re-center only during crises.

Avoid Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Be mindful that you don’t turn to unhealthy habits like excessive drinking, emotional eating or lashing out as coping mechanisms. These feed anxiety cyclically long-term, even if briefly soothing. Journal, call a friend or exercise instead when needing an anxiety outlet. Think through the consequences. 

Let Go Of Perfectionism 

Perfectionism fuels workplace anxiety by imposing unrealistic standards accompanied by harsh self-criticism for any shortcomings. Challenge expectations of flawlessness – outstanding work full of learning still contains imperfections. Progress, not perfection, should be the goal. 

Make Time For Hobbies And Interests 

When your evenings and weekends revolve around work, you’re not giving yourself an off switch for your anxiety. Ensure leisure time is spent on refilling activities like hobbies, socializing and exercise. Make it mandatory to disconnect from job duties a certain portion of your non-work hours. You need diversions. 

Try A New Commute to Help Workplace Stress

If your commute feels stressful, experiment with alternatives like biking, public transit, or carpooling. Switching up transportation routines prevents boredom while giving you different spaces to decompress. Commuting should energize you. 

Set Healthy Email Boundaries 

Constant off-hour work emails increase the anxiety that the job is never-ending. Disable after-hours notifications and schedule set times for checking messages instead of bombarding yourself 24/7. Communicate availability windows to colleagues. Protecting personal time offsets burnout. 

Look At Training Courses For Communication

Presentations or meetings full of interruptions and talking over people spike cortisol. Seek out presentation training courses to gain techniques for sharing ideas calmly, confidently, and respectfully. Learning fundamentals like active listening defuses tensions. This presentation skills course gives you the tools that you need to be a great communicator. You can learn new skills in a fun, relaxed environment and feel more confident and less stressed when you stand up in front of the room.  

Practice Regular Gratitude 

Make a daily habit of writing down at least three specific things you feel grateful for, either work-related or personal. This trains your brain to counter anxious thoughts with appreciation for the positive – your skills, supportive co-workers, paycheck etc. Gratitude fosters perspective. 

Set Realistic Expectations

Imposing unreasonable demands like requiring flawless performance constantly only fuels anxiety. Acknowledge you will make mistakes and have fewer days. Focus on overall progress. Banning self-shaming thoughts like “I should always excel” offers relief. You’re human. 

Take Mental Health Days When Needed 

Occasionally, mental health days are essential to avoid burnout. Do not feel guilty for calling in to recharge when exhaustion takes hold. Use the time to completely detach from work and practice intentional self-care. You’ll return refreshed and focused. 

Go For A Short Walk to Relieve Workplace Stress

Walking releases endorphins while allowing emotional decompression. Incorporate brief 10–15-minute walks during the workday if possible, maybe even combining walking meetings with colleagues. If not, a short stroll around the office clears your head before tackling the next task. 

Incorporate Wellness Practices Daily 

Even small acts of self-care can ease anxiety’s grip. Make healthy habits part of every workday – savoring a quick tea break, chatting with a positive co-worker, listening to uplifting playlists mid-day. It might sound simple but think of it as a little micro-dosage of well-being to counter worry. 

Review Your Diet And Lifestyle

workplace stress

While quick fixes have appeal, ensuring overall healthy eating, sleep and exercise regimes minimizes baseline stress long-term. Limit caffeine, alcohol, and inflammatory foods. Making use of a meal delivery service like Factor is also a great idea. It can help keep diet-related stress at bay and allow you more time to focus on other important aspects of wellness, such as exercise and sleep. Maintaining wellness fundamentals gives you more resilience against burnout. 

Take Time-Outs When Overwhelmed 

When emotions start overwhelming you at work, take a quick break in a quiet space like going to the restroom, stairwell or outside. Just two minutes of deep breathing with no stimulation resets your equilibrium. Don’t tough it out and risk a meltdown. 

Reframe Stress Positively

Research shows stress actually enhances productivity up to an optimal point if harnessed well. Reframe anxiety as energy you can channel into positive outcomes, like drafting a presentation with passion or acing an interview with adrenaline. Stress can inspire in the right context (just not all the time!). 

Ask For Support If Needed

If anxiety begins severely impacting performance, don’t just assume it’s your personal failure. Seek help from HR about support programs, counselling services or temporary workload adjustments. Supervisors often respond supportively when they understand challenges. You don’t have to suffer silently alone.

In Summary on Workplace Stress

Workplace stress triggers are often unavoidable, but anxiety’s impact can be minimized through healthier thinking patterns, strong self-care routines and seeking assistance when needed. You might find that a presentation skills training course gives you the confidence that you need to take more time for yourself, for example. Intentionally managing stress prevents burnout and unlocks greater professional capability and fulfilment over time.