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A Manager’s Guide to Reducing Errors While Working on Deadlines

When you are working on projects with tight deadlines, it can be easy to rush through things in an effort to get the work finished on time. In many cases, working too quickly can result in errors being made which can cause more problems and headaches down the line. As a manager, you need to ensure that you have systems and strategies in place to minimize these errors, or better yet, to completely eliminate them from your workflow to ensure you get the best, most accurate results on from every project you work on.

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Whether you are working with a remote team or in-house, staff, it’s crucial that you utilize the right tools to stay up-to-date with your obligations and to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. For example, you could reduce errors with a time clock app or put protocols in place that require your team to submit their work to you or someone else in a senior position before it reaches the clients. There are countless methods that you can use to keep your team accountable and to reduce deadlines when they are working on various projects. However, as every business is different, it’s important that you take the time to assess the needs of your business to find the right solutions for the specific needs of your organization.

Let’s take a look at a few tips and tricks that you can use to reduce errors when you and your team are working to tight deadlines moving forward.

Set Realistic Deadlines

The best way to minimize errors when working to deadlines is to set realistic deadlines from the outset. If you take on a project that you know has too tight of a deadline to complete to the required standard, you should rethink accepting the project. Accepting a deadline that you know will be difficult or even impossible to meet will cause you to rush and take shortcuts in an effort 

to get over the finish line in time. Doing this time and time again will quickly result in you burning out and your physical and mental health could also suffer as a result of putting yourself under this type of pressure.


Put A Plan In Place

When you accept a project with a deadline, the first thing you need to do is put a plan in place that will allow you to meet the deadline. Failing to get the work completed on time is never a good look and could result in your clients going elsewhere for what they need in the future. If you accept a deadline, you must meet it. To ensure you complete the work on time, without rushing through it and making errors, make sure that you put a roadmap in place to help you and your team achieves your goals in the allocated time frame. 

Focus On The Task At Hand

In your role as a manager, there is typically a lot of different things vying for your attention from one day to the next. With so much going on, it can be easy to get distracted and this is exactly the time when you are most likely to make mistakes. Make sure that you, and anyone else working on the project, are 100% focused on what you need to do for the project to be a success. Concentrating on the task at hand and avoiding distractions is the best way to reduce errors or completely eliminate the chance of you even making errors in the first place, ensuring you deliver the results you are capable of producing before the deadline.

Have A Plan B In Mind for Your Deadlines

While time management, focus, planning and preparation are key in reaching your objectives with minimal or no errors within the allocated timeframe for the project, you also need to be prepared for the unexpected. As every project manager will tell you, if there’s a possibility that something could go wrong, there is always a high probability that it will. Having a plan B in place from the outset, will help you to stay in control of the situation, avoid panicking and ensure that you and your team stay on track towards completing the project by the deadline. With a contingency plan in place, you can enjoy more peace of mind, knowing that you have an alternative route to success should something unexpected happen.

Complete Your Projects On Time And With Fewer Errors

Working to tight deadlines can be very stressful and when you are under pressure is when you are most likely to make mistakes. Follow the tips discussed above to reduce the potential for errors and to ensure that you complete your projects on time. With the right approach, you can be sure that you will deliver your best work within the allocated timeframe, and with minimal errors, ensuring your clients are always happy. 

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