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Essentials of a Successful Plastic Surgery Marketing Strategy

Market research displays plastic surgery as a growing medical field. Between 2014 and 2022, the US plastic surgery market grew by 67%. Further analysts estimate a 2% growth rate in 2023 to hit a market size of $27.1 billion in the US. Yet, with demand increases, the industry is now more competitive. To give your brand a competitive edge against the rivals you must better your marketing plan. We want you to run a successful business. Thus, in this article we discuss the essentials of a successful plastic surgery marketing strategy, that will help you attract new customers and widen your profit margins.

1. Design customer-oriented content for your Marketing Strategy

Using complicated surgical terms won’t attract customers to your brand. The basic necessity is to promise the provision of beneficial solutions. Communicate the prospect of life satisfaction, attractive physical appearance, and improved self-esteem.


Your content must win customer trust. Customers want assurance of safety if they decide to undergo plastic surgery. Thus, in your marketing content, identify the risks involved in plastic surgery procedures. Addressing these client concerns proves your professionalism. Thus, you get to establish trust between you and your audience.

2. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing involves content creation and dissemination via digital media channels. Today, digital marketing is central to creating brand awareness for several reasons. First, millennials and the Generation Z population make up the largest market for cosmetic surgeries. These groups account for 70% of plastic surgery procedures done in the US. Furthermore, 93% of the population between 23 and 38 years old are internet users. That means, your plastic surgery marketing strategy must apply various digital media advertising channels. They include:

a. Social Media Platforms

Social media significantly influences people’s decision to undergo plastic surgery. They include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram among others. By January 2023, there were 4.76 billion estimated social media users. Thus, these platforms offer a broader audience reach to increase brand awareness.

Social media marketing accounts for 31% of all plastic surgery performed in the US. In addition, studies consider it the primary source of referrals.

b. Email marketing

Email marketing is the most effective way of generating positive leads. It works by personalizing the advertisements. When writing your email content, make it unique to entice the recipient to open the mail. It must be brief with valuable information. Further, include a link to a source of more information and a call to action.

c. Google Ads for your Marketing Strategy

Google ads use the pay-per-click method that is keyword dependent. When website users search a particular keyword, they’ll get results for their query. These results include paid advertisements targeting that keyword. Note that Google ads are effective based on their rank on search engines.

d. Develop a website

In the modern world, every business needs a website. A website features several advantages including the ability to promote your brand on a 24/7-hour basis. It works as an extension of your physical clinic. Meaning that it is an online destination for your target audience. Your website is the gateway to introducing your services to potential clients. Thus, give your website a professional look and create a plastic surgery SEO strategy to give a good first impression. Further, include essential information your audience requires such as contact details.

Final verdict on your Marketing Strategy

The cosmetic surgery field is never good as it’s today with an expected future demand increase. Take advantage of this growth rate and implement an effective marketing strategy. Your chosen plan must build a competitive edge against your competitors. If you have no idea where to start, give us a call for effective plastic surgery marketing services.

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